Friday 14 December 2007

The Thomas Ptacek retardness has finally been noticed by Symantec

Thank god, Symantec has finally started publishing its own posts on SF. After all they have realized what a spastic like Thomas Ptacek can do to there brand name, if let loose with a keyboard. .

Go on Thomas, we love you talking about Wikipedia. Hope those spazz juices overflowing from you thick head aint spilling on those fat toes from where you think, and come up with such rubbish Dr Dobbs stuff !! Get a life son ... you desperately need one ;) ;) ;)

PS - Happy Christmas to all our viewers, we will be selling out some shirts very soon !!!

Thursday 6 December 2007

Gobbles supply fresh hot towels to clean up Thomas Ptacek and Matt Franz's "mutual bum rubbing" act.

So Thomas Ptacek once again decides to regurgitate something silly, this time on the subject of routing infrastructure research. Thomas, we at Gobble understands this from scientific angle and sympathize with your vomiting problem. It happen to our very own turkeys just before they get the final CHOP on thanks giving...

Ok Lets discuss his rubbish post...

I agree with Matt Franz that router security isn’t very interesting (though there’s real work to be done in mainstreaming the IOS reversing work that’s been done)

Awwww, why do u say that Thomas? Wait a minute, the retard is right; what’s more interesting is Thomas Ptacek’s self publicized Virtualized root kit detection silliness with our beloved polish tranny, Joanna Rutkowska.

Sister Joanna, we have a question for you, was the sex change operation difficult or coding the 142 % non detectable root kit on Vista? Please give your feed back to our email address.

Anyways, some quick tips for cisco hackers -

1) Dont belive in Matasano or Bin Navis Cisco debugging retardness, ask us about DIY IOS debugging

2) Dont belive in what this idiot says about reverseing IOS , search for "IOS" and __butterfly.tar.gz (12.1 IOS source) on your favourite p2p app :P lol ..
3) Check upcoming Phrack for full IOS madness ... :P :P :P
4) FX, your our hero !!!

I agree that the Network World article on Vyatta, the open source router startup, is silly. I can answer Jim Duffy’s question (“is open source routing closing the router gap?”) pretty quickly: no. Last I checked, the ISR had revitalized routers for Cisco, and they were doing better than they ever had.

Gobble don’t comment on non security related post